The End of Another School Year

You know you have homeschooled for more than five years when you stop making certificates for your children. Ha! This year, I have no interest in making these end-of-the-school year diplomas for my children.

American Flag

Let freedom (to homeschool) reign!

I have a folder full of them for each child from previous years and they just sit there. Nobody will ever look at them. Berean Christian School in Knoxville, our umbrella school, safely stores our cumulative files. That’s what counts.

These certificates I make at home represent a period at the end of the sentence for 2018-2019 and nothing more. The kids don’t care about them. I needed them more than the kids.

Growing up in a very structured school system behind the Iron Curtain, I cared about diplomas and paperwork and lots and lots of it. The more, the better. But that is not how it works in Tennessee (or the US for that matter) in 2019.


Freedom from Paperwork

When we came to Day 180 of this school year, it marked the end of our efforts. I recorded the attendance sheet for the year, their grades, and the curriculum we will use for next year. Then, I mailed all these forms to Lisa Lee, our coordinator at Berean.

Of course, freedom to homeschool has been bought after many battles back in the 80s, by faithful parents who did not have it easy. Even though they did not have to lay down their lives, many of them faced imprisonment or the horrible prospect of having their children taken away from them. That seems a little worse than death, actually, the more I think about it.

Today we celebrate Memorial Day in the United States, when we remember the fallen soldiers who have fought for our freedoms throughout our nation’s history. I am thankful for their sacrifice, as well as the efforts and sacrifices of homeschooling parents of previous generations. Long live liberty!

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