The End of Another School Year

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You know you have homeschooled for more than five years when you stop making certificates for your children. Ha! This year, I have no interest in making these end-of-the-school year diplomas for my children.

American Flag

Let freedom (to homeschool) reign!

I have a folder full of them for each child from previous years and they just sit there. Nobody will ever look at them. Berean Christian School in Knoxville, our umbrella school, safely stores our cumulative files. That’s what counts.

These certificates I make at home represent a period at the end of the sentence for 2018-2019 and nothing more. The kids don’t care about them. I needed them more than the kids. Continue reading »

Using Summer Camps As School Days

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Depending on where you live, you might have to show for 180 days of school. Homeschoolers love their freedom, but most believe following the law of the land is extremely important. In Tennessee, we must turn in an attendance record with 180 days of school, made up of at least four hours of learning each.

Tunes and Tales cloggers and girl

My daughter wanted a picture with the cloggers from Tunes and Tales.

That’s right. No matter where you register – with your local school district or an umbrella school – you must keep a record of your school days every year. It’s really not that hard. Everywhere you register, they will hand you a form, so you don’t have to scour the internet for the best and most appropriate attendance sheet.  Continue reading »