Week 11 – Done

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We still cannot homeschool full time due to the recent death in the family and its aftermath. There are many tasks we have to do and this is the time to do it. Nothing can wait.

Food Ministry Donation

Our daughter next to our truck, full of donations for the Food Ministry Second Hand Store

One day at a time, we wake up, discuss the situation, and decide which subjects we can tackle and which subjects we can leave for Christmas break. We already see ourselves doing some school through the end of December and the beginning of January. Continue reading »

Homeschool Dads – Facebook Live

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How can homeschool dads help and contribute to the overall homeschool? I spend about 15 minutes talking about this very important subject.

Dad and Son

My husband working with our son on a project

Just as dads help with the pregnancy and the birth of the child, they can also help with educating them at home. We are assuming that dads are working full-time as the main bread winners, of course. I do know some couples who have reversed this order of things, simply because the wife is a medical doctor. Continue reading »