Chapter 14 deals with the life of Moses and the Exodus from Egypt. The kids knew the story from their Bible lessons. This was very good reinforcement though.
I read while they colored. We made a Moses basket. Well, I made it. They painted it. Team effort, right?
- I wove the basket in their sight, showing them the steps as I learned them from the activity book.
- Step 2
- Step 3
It was not exactly easy, but I persevered. I know what you are thinking, that I have too much time on my hands. The thing is, I take time for things that matter. And the story of Moses is very dear to my heart – God used this story to speak to me about homeschooling a few years ago.
- Step 4
- First paint the inside.
- They wanted to paint it gold.
For some reason, gold paint really appeals to my children. Continue reading