2024 Spring Break

My children have spent Spring Break in Nashville for TeenPact for the past few years. They love TeenPact and they immediately want to sign up for next year’s camp. However, they feel tired by the end of the week.

Nashville Downtown

Downtown Nashville, on the way to TeenPact

Therefore, I decided to give them Spring Break the following week, when they are at home. They can pace themselves, relax, and only work on co-op homework plus music, exercise, and a hike.

Spring Break for me means I get to focus on my endeavors away from the kids. My husband and I get to go on lunch dates and walks. We all need a change of pace.

The camp where TeenPacters stay

Deer Run Resort and Camp where the TeenPacters stay for the week

One thing that homeschooling has taught me is that learning never stops. We artificially label a week Spring Break and consider that “no school” happens. But learning happens. No matter what you call a certain block of time, children are always learning.

So yes, officially, I will record no “school days” for Spring Break, but they are reading, watching content, interacting with family and friends, attending classes at co-op, practicing music, working out, and doing chores around the house. They are developing skills. They are learning.

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