Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your loved ones! How are you celebrating? We have about one foot of snow, so we are staying put. We could get out if we wanted to, but we don’t really need to. Thankfully, we have not lost power and we have everything we need. We can even homeschool through snow days like these.
I had the children make Valentine’s Day cards for friends and family using some free printables from the internet and, also, this “Bee Mine” special paper I ordered from Scholastic. We were in a rush to get them in the mail, so I did not get pictures.
My three-year-old daughter spots a heart and says, “Valentine’s Day” immediately. It does not take long to train them in these matters, does it?

Valentine’s Day bouquet from my husband. He knows I like purple.
If you want something really romantic to look at for a few minutes, take a look at Tatiana Solosozhar and Maxim Trankov’s short program in the pairs ice skating competition. Ignore the Russian TV commentator and focus on their art.
Their interpretation of the Masquerade Waltz by Aram Khatchaturian can only be described in superlatives. Watch for the moment when she passes him the bracelet – the main object in the tragic story line they interpret. Don’t they have great chemistry?