Book 15 of 50 – The Cat of Bubastes

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I read The Cat of Bubastes by G. A. Henty to the children for over two months. We did a lot of driving to Science Olympiad practices, co-op, and music lessons, which reduced our reading time to a minimum. But we persevered. They liked it a lot.

Cat of Bubastes

The Cat of Bubastes

Set in Ancient Egypt about the time when Moses was an adult prince there, this book will teach your children a lot about that culture. The clothing, architecture, worship, societal hierarchy, fishing, hunting, agriculture etc from Ancient Egypt feature on every page. Continue reading »

US History Curriculum

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Next year, the children will both take US History for high school credit. It is hard to believe this fact as I type it out: our daughter will be in eighth grade and our son will be in tenth grade.

Exploring America, a Notgrass US History curriculum

Our umbrella school allows us to take three high school credits in eighth grade and we took advantage of that with our son last year. He took Algebra I, French I, and Physical Science in eighth grade. Continue reading »