Next year, the children will both take US History for high school credit. It is hard to believe this fact as I type it out: our daughter will be in eighth grade and our son will be in tenth grade.
Our umbrella school allows us to take three high school credits in eighth grade and we took advantage of that with our son last year. He took Algebra I, French I, and Physical Science in eighth grade.
As I build up my daughter’s eighth grade credits for next year, on paper, I am looking at various curricula. We could go in so many directions. And then, just like that, somebody at co-op gave me Exploring America, a Notgrass US History curriculum set which retails for around $230 (with shipping).
I already had Abeka US History in my library and was going to use it. However, the more I look at Notgrass US History, the more I like it. Have you used any of these curricula? I would like some feedback.
If we do Notgrass, we can get three credits: history, English, and Bible. Everything is well laid out and organized, by weeks and days, just open and go. I really like that format, plus the literature choices are classic Americana stories.
I have plenty of time to decide and choose between the two, because I only register them in July. If you have any thoughts or feedback, I would appreciate it.
My daughter used Notgrass’ America the Beautiful curriculum last year, in 7th grade, taught through our homeschool co-op. It was a great study of U.S. history, geography, and culture, and I particularly liked the information on the US presidents. I think it’s a very solid (and recently updated) choice for history.
We love Notgrass! We did world history last year and we are working on American history this year. Getting three credits with 1 curriculum is pretty awesome too! I like the primary resources in the “In Their Words” supplement as well.