How can homeschool dads help and contribute to the overall homeschool? I spend about 15 minutes talking about this very important subject.
Just as dads help with the pregnancy and the birth of the child, they can also help with educating them at home. We are assuming that dads are working full-time as the main bread winners, of course. I do know some couples who have reversed this order of things, simply because the wife is a medical doctor.
In this Facebook live event, I suggest several ways in which homeschool dads can contribute after they come home from their day job, as well as on the weekends. The examples I give are things that my husband has done for our children.
Last but not least, I urge you to allow your husband to contribute in his own way. Fathers interact with children in a manner that may seem rough or awkward or abnormal to us. Give your husband a break. Give him permission to be himself and put his own personality into this. After all, that is why you married him, for his unique perspective in life.