Everybody needs a break, including homeschooling moms and students. While you should take a few weeks off to relax, you should also consider the perils of summer slide. Sorry for shoulding all over you, but I figured we all need a little encouragement in the right direction now and then.
We have taken two weeks off after finishing the school year. Now, it is time to get back into a relaxed routine of educational activities like reading and practicing the violin and piano, alternating with physical activity outside, chores, and some screen time. I even make them do a bit of math and writing or spelling now and then. Not every day though.
The kids must feel like they are on summer break, unless you choose to homeschool year round. I feel like we need clearly defined boundaries. For us, year round does not work. However, we do not throw out the books over the summer.
I have made a simple chart with daily and weekly goals we must reach. They check each one off as they do it, or I check it for them. That’s the thing. Mom still needs to supervise and enforce activities. There is no rest for the mom. Sigh.
The other day, I spotted this T-shirt which said, “Tired as a mother.” I complimented the lady who was wearing it and we both laughed about our situations. We will be tired – exhausted is more like it – until they go to college. Life has become this continuous round of chores and we must find little oases of time and space for ourselves, to get refreshed.