Story of the World, Vol. 4, Chapter 33

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Story of the World, Vol. 4, Chapter 33 covers Communism in Asia. My children are very curious about Communism, because I have told them stories about what life was like in Romania before 1989.

Finding Korea on the map

Finding Korea on the map

We had fun with the story about Vietnam because it got to be so confusing, I could not keep up with what I was reading myself. So we laughed about it. Continue reading »

Story of the World, Vol. 4, Chapter 15

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Story of the World Vol. 4 Chapter 15 covers Small Countries with Large Invaders, as the title suggests. The first story talks about how Korea became a battleground between Japan and China. While there, Queen Min of Korea gets her own special coverage.

Coloring the Korean flag

Coloring the Korean flag

The second story covers the Spanish-American War which happened in Cuba and the Philippines, too. Children get introduced to some notable names: Jose Rizal, William Hearst, Joseph Pulitzer, Theodore Roosevelt and more. Needless to say, lots of good stuff in this chapter. Continue reading »