Story of the World, Vol. 4, Chapter 33

Story of the World, Vol. 4, Chapter 33 covers Communism in Asia. My children are very curious about Communism, because I have told them stories about what life was like in Romania before 1989.

Finding Korea on the map

Finding Korea on the map

We had fun with the story about Vietnam because it got to be so confusing, I could not keep up with what I was reading myself. So we laughed about it.

When we got to the second story, my laughter turned to tears. We read about the Korean War and I felt compelled to tell them how the North Korean president stepped into South Korea this year. This book was written ten years ago, so of course it does not mention anything about what President Trump managed to achieve in the Korean Peninsula.

Kids looking at a world map

Once you are next to a map, there are so many things to discover.


Getting Emotional

I pulled up a YouTube video of the encounter between the two presidents. Such a poignant sight when the North Korean dictator stepped onto South Korean soil. And I teared up because, well, I still have a lot of pent-up anger against Communist dictators. Do you think I know what his people are going through? Yes, I do. My husband and I read stories of the Korean kids and parents running across the border and the atrocities committed against them if they got caught.

Tough chapter to get through. But my kids are used to me crying here and there. I get emotional with some stories from history that are either personal, or glorious, or too amazing for words. My daughter says, “Oh, boy! Mom’s crying again!” and walks over to give me a hug. My son touches my arm and asks if I am OK. I start laughing because they are very sweet but also sort of embarrassed that I cry at historical events.

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