We start the new school year next week. I know. It’s early. Two weeks earlier than our local public school district. There are many reasons why we start now.
First, we need 30 weeks of instruction until the nationally standardized test they take in March of 2021. I add Christmas break, Thanksgiving break, sick days, and count back to a date in early August.
Secondly, we might sneak away to the beach in September or October. Or, we might go camping a couple of times during the Fall. Or both. This COVID-19 situation has made everything very much up in the air, but I am making provision for good things to come.
Thirdly, it is so hot right now, we cannot do anything outside other than going to the river or the pool. We have done that several times and have come away with sunburns despite using sunblock. That’s a ridiculous problem compared to the world pandemic around us, but there you have it. We spend a lot of time inside, why not get busy with school work?
Fourthly, we have been rather lazy about our instruments this summer. If we get back into ‘school’ schedule, then the kids will have to practice every day if they want their screen time. It’s all about rewards around here. At least it’s not sugar, right?
Last but not least, we do not know much about our extracurriculars, due to COVID-19. Might as well get started with our school work and get a headstart before we need to run to audition for orchestra etc.
Homeschoolers ask me what planner I use. I use Trello to have an at-a-glance weekly schedule. Our subjects do not change from week to week. If I need a quick reminder of what else we should do on Wednesday, for instance, I quickly pull up Trello on my phone and check out that board.
Individual lesson plans will go in a file on my computer, which I print out and stick in my three-ring binder. I have found that my teacher binder comes in handy. Reading lists, lesson plans (weekly chapter assignments), yearly goals, any odds and ends I pick up and think, “This would be a great idea for March” etc go in there. Regularly, I go through it and either toss or keep what has been accumulating.