Planning a New School Year

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Have you started seeing “Back-to-School” signs everywhere? It’s not fair. But if we already have “Christmas in July” signs, might as well accept that school is around the corner.

Four Seasons Paintings

Four Seasons – paintings in a doctor’s office in Knoxville

Mentally, I am not ready to start a school year, in all honesty. I was going to start the week before we start going to co-op, but then I got to thinking… Why? Why make it complicated? It is hard to have the number of school weeks be one off compared to the number of co-op weeks. Continue reading »

Ready, Set, Go!

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We start the new school year next week. I know. It’s early. Two weeks earlier than our local public school district. There are many reasons why we start now.


Enjoy summer and hydrangeas while they last.

First, we need 30 weeks of instruction until the nationally standardized test they take in March of 2021. I add Christmas break, Thanksgiving break, sick days, and count back to a date in early August. Continue reading »