My First Book Is Free February 19-23, 2014

I am glad to announce the publication of my first book, “101 Tips for Preschool at Home.” Homeschooling through the preschool years does not have to be difficult. My book presents 101 ideas for the preschool years plus a bonus tip.

Starting on February 19, we offer the book for FREE for five days. Please download it, skim through it and then leave me a positive review if you enjoyed it. I read all reviews in order to learn and serve my readers better in the future.

101 Tips for Preschool at Home is a Kindle book available for free download Feb 19-23, 2014.

101 Tips for Preschool at Home is a Kindle book available for free download Feb 19-23, 2014.

Will you help me spread the word, too? Please let your friends who have preschoolers know about it.

Thank you in advance!

P.S. If you have Amazon Prime, you can download it for free through their lending program even after it’s no longer offered for free to the general public.

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14 thoughts on “My First Book Is Free February 19-23, 2014

  1. Thank you Adriana. Consistency, definitely it’s the key. I speak Slovakian , or try to speak to him. However I have tendency to slip to Italian as this language spoken at home. So when I realise I do it, I repeat what I say in Slovakian after I said it in Italian. Feels like a parrot talking 🙂 please let me know if your book is available for free download still as the last week or so was “crazy”. If not, let me know if is already available for sale on Amazon. Thank you.

  2. Just forwarded your email of free kindle book to CCHNET, a huge email loop in the charlotte area that is over 1500 members. Hope you get some hits!

    Congrats on your book. I am writing one myself.

  3. Congratulations Adriana! I just got it and I will write a review on the German amazon site soon. I love the advice you just gave to Alenka. Tomorrow is International Mother Language Day 😉

  4. Adriana,

    Thank you so much for sharing your resources!! I am so excited about what you are doing. Will definitely check out your book & share with others. I have a 2 year-old son, so this will be great for me. Blessings on your work- this is a ministry! And I’m so glad to reconnect with you after all these years 🙂


    • Janine, you know that song, “I’m a little candle, glowing in the dark… It’s the light of Jesus shining in my heart…” 🙂 I feel so unworthy of this high calling of motherhood and homeschooling. I pray that the Lord will help me and all of us perform our duties with faithfulness.

  5. Hi Adriana.
    Thank you for giving us opportunity to give a look at your book. I must admit, few books came through my hands from libraries, and have one or two at home I bought. It would be interesting to see whatbyounare offering to suit my mothering. I live in England and have 13 month old baby, who will be raised , in all efforts and I hope, trilingual. I am Slovak, my partner is Italian, and environment is English of course. Most mums I came across will tell me that until my child goes to school , will speak language(s) spoken atbhome. Once they go to school it will all go in English, responses, requests, language at home…So what happens than , will be home spoken languages put on stand by for a while or it’s just a fact, English will become a dominant language and the other will be spoken as where and when? Regards, Alenka

    • Alenka, it all depends on how determined you are about his three languages. You can make it an absolute rule – OPOL (one parent one language) – Daddy can address him only in Italian, you only in Slovak and let him answer in whatever he feels most comfortable with. When he gets older, he will feel around for what is comfortable. I address my children strictly in Romanian, but they answer me in English 90% of the time. Their daddy is American and our family conversations are all in English. But… I am teaching them French and Spanish as well as Latin. So… over time, I am hoping to raise polyglots whose main language will be English. Any effort you put forth at this point, your child will thank you as an adult. 🙂 I know plenty of adults whose parents did not teach them the minority language and they regret it.

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