This week, we found out that Tennessee will re-open May 1. Quarantine will be over and we will go places once more. “Where will you go first?,” some people ask me. I have not made up my mind. We will let you know.
We finished reading six books from the Tuttle Twins series. A friend lent them to me before the quarantine started. The kids and I learned something new from each book. They have an engaging plot and we found out it takes about 30 minutes to read one title out loud.
They also have videos and workbooks, but we did not go there. At this point, we have so many things around the house to study from, there is no point in spending more money on other resources. But the entire collection sounds intriguing and, maybe, it would be great to read the books they are based on.
Each Tuttle Twin title (say that five times fast) is based on a larger book, originally written for adults. Those are the titles you ought to read with your children when they get to be in high school, I think, to review these concepts on a larger scale.
Also this week, my daughter finished 4th grade math. She took the final exam and scored well enough to go on to 5th grade. I am very proud of her progress. When we started out the year, she struggled with simple arithmetic operations. Now, she zooms through fractions and decimals like it is nothing. Plus, she discovered she really likes geometry. Well, me too. She takes after me in that. I have always loved geometry.