Death in the Family

Last Tuesday, the unthinkable happened: my husband’s mother passed away. It has been a whirlwind of shock, grief, legal matters, cleaning her home, and homeschooling. When death hits, we learn what really matters.

Wooden Mask

Finding humor in any situation, our daughter posed with a wooden mask we found while cleaning her grandmother’s house.

My husband needs my support, but he also tells me to homeschool as much as possible, so the kids do not get too far behind. We drop everything as needed and we homeschool as much as possible in the time left over.

The kids are processing what happened. We encourage them to talk about what they are feeling. As much as possible, we involve them in the conversations about legal matters.

My mother-in-law was passionate about gardening and cats. We actually had to adopt her cat when she went to live in an assisted living facility a few months ago. That in itself has added to our lives, as OC (for Outside Cat, although he is strictly indoors) is very sweet and cuddly.

Death shocks the system, so I will keep this brief. Hug your family one extra time today. You never know what tomorrow brings.

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3 thoughts on “Death in the Family

  1. Pingback: Week 7 - Done - Homeschool WaysHomeschool Ways

  2. I’m sorry, Adriana. It’s so hard for a family member to pass away, and harder still without much time to anticipate or process the change and loss. My prayers with be with your husband and family.
    My father-in-law passed away in March. It’s been a deep loss for us, but there have been the blessings of stories and memories and shared laughter and tears together as we grieve. I pray you receive similar support as you remember her and her life.

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