Learning never ends, but school years do. After 180 days of school, we were happy to take our children out for a nice lunch at The Wild Plum Tea Room and give them their Certificates of Completion. Our son finished first grade, and our daughter Pre-Kindergarten.
- My husband with my son, who is proudly presenting his Certificate of Completion for First Grade
- With my daughter, proud of her Certificate of Completion for Pre-Kindergarten
We would like to go to the same restaurant every year for this event, but maybe that’s not necessary. Maybe every year we will feel like trying a different place. Who knows what the future will bring?
But The Wild Plum was a great choice for this year. They serve their delicious orange tea and many healthy choices.
Too bad it is not exactly man food. Our principal was not too fond of their menu, but we made it through and had a good time as a family (and school).
Just for reference: in our homeschool, there really is not a big difference between Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten, but we had to give it a different name to make sure our daughter felt special, too. Last year, she finished Preschool. This year, it was something different.
A lot of her books are not finished, partly because we bought too many, and also because they are meant for any schoolwork done before First Grade. As such, we will continue with much of the same materials as she starts Kindergarten in August, but we will add Phonics. Later in the year, we will add handwriting and Right Start Mathematics.
It feels good to be finished. We need to mark the end of the 180 days of learning in order to feel the sentence has come to a full-stop. Or a period. Or an exclamation point. Done! Check. Summer can begin.
The trouble is, our first week of summer vacation was super busy with swim lessons, our daughter starting violin lessons outside the home, art workshops at the library for the summer reading program, and so on. The good news is we will slow down after next week, when we have soccer camp. July promises to be less scheduled. More time to truly rest and breathe. Looking forward to it.