Of all the activities my children undertake, orchestra camp is my favorite. Every summer, we make the trek to Knoxville Monday-Friday so they can play in their respective orchestras and have fun while accelerating their growth.
Yes, it gets tiring for all of us, but it remains my favorite week of the year. On Monday, everybody gets together and starts playing their new pieces. On Tuesday, it is pajama or crazy sock day. Fun!
On Wednesday, if they so choose, participants can dress in the wackiest, tackiest way for Wacky, Tacky day. Every orchestra designates a winner and a runner up. The winner gets a $10 gift certificate from Chik-fil-A. My daughter won this year and was glad she could take her brother to Chik-fil-A for a milkshake with her hard-earned money.
This year’s camp t-shirts get distributed on Wednesday. On Thursday, they wear their oldest camp t-shirt, if they can still fit in it. If not, they can wear a musical t-shirt. Friday is concert day.
There is so much that happens this week in terms of growth in musical skills. However, it is the getting together that counts. At orchestra camp, the students forge friendships for life, learn and practice social skills, apply protocols we established at home (text me if I am not at the meeting spot to pick you up, wait for me in the building etc), plus they have snacks, music workshops, and team building exercises.