It occurs to me that it is almost the end of September and I have not finished the two books I told myself I would publish before the end of the year. So I will slow down the blog posts and focus on writing. One book is the second volume in the Izzy Adventures Series (bilingual books) and the other one is the fourth volume in my How To Homeschool Series, i.e. 101 Tips for Second Grade Homeschooling.
At this point, just in case you are wondering, I should probably mention that, through it all, I am not motivated by money. Here’s a financial tip: if you want to get rich quick, do not take up blogging or writing. I am doing both simply because I enjoy myself in the process. I have the publishing bug, what can I say?
Pushing the Publish button after typing my heart out gives me more thrills than a chocolate eclair. OK, so many not as many, but it’s right up there with vegan banana split topped with locally produced honey or watching the sunrise over the ocean or strolling through the Champs-Élysées. You get the picture.
The second volume of the language series is pretty much written, I just have to review it. The other book is just a little past the planning phase. Nevertheless, I have great hopes to be finished with both by the end of this week, which is our first fall break of the school year. What else am I going to do with my newly acquired vast chasms of time? (Sorry, Thomas Jefferson!)
One of these days I will plop myself on my therapist’s armchair and ask her why I cannot just walk outside my front door and smell the roses. Well, besides living in the mosquito capital of the American South East. Until then, I will be here typing while my children play, still bewildered that they got a whole week off from school.
Expect two blog posts a week for the next foreseeable future until I place the books into the capable hands of my designer. And thanks for reading.