Can you believe we hit the half-way point in 2014 – and now we passed it? This seems like a great moment to pause and meditate on how the Lord has led us thus far.
Ellen G. White, a Christian author of the 19th century wrote, “We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us and His teaching in our past history…”
Don’t you love the way they talked back then? I know, I know, not everybody talked or wrote that way. Just sayin’…
So let’s take a moment and meditate on God’s blessings to our families in 2014. Psalm 119:27 says, “I will meditate on Your wonders.”
Let’s stop doing and let us be. Still. And know. That He is God.
I can think of all the meals I have prepared for my children. All the cleaning. The laundry. 180 days of meals, sweeping the floor around the dining room table. Folding towels and tiny dresses and small socks. Why am I going back to doing?
A Christian author reminded me in an email that God made human beings, not human doings.
How have I been so far this year? Have I been more calm, more at peace with myself and my circumstances? I am glad to answer “yes.”
Plus, I have learned that I need to drop some of my responsibilities after I bring my commitments to an end later this year. I cannot just drop out. It does not work that way.
And now about homeschooling… I found a great quote about burnout in children. It’s by Ruth Beechick, the author of The 3 Rs and other fantastic books that will teach you how to teach your children. She says, “Burnout comes from unsuitable work, either too much mindless busywork or too much pushing beyond the child’s present ability. Remember to lighten up once in a while with a change of pace – something like a day trip or a Friday of free time.”
You can probably relate to what she is saying, can’t you? So pay attention to your own work but also pay attention to the work you give your child. Let us all avoid unsuitable work.
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