This July was a jarring month for us. Two friends died and Smoky – our tuxedo cat – went missing. I supposed it could be worse, but it was pretty shocking to go through all of this. The kids are learning that life is fragile and we should not take anybody for granted.
We kept reading through July. Our daughter is going through the Mensa for Kids reading list for grades 4-6. Our son is going through the same list for grades 7-9. He likes to read to himself. My daughter enjoys listening to me read. I like reading to her because I have not read these books. It’s a good way for me to find out what the American classics for kids are all about. Also, we enjoy talking about the characters, laughing and crying about the situations, and generally having a bonding experience.
They kept going to taekwondo practices three times a week, too. Then, they practiced violin and piano. All that plus going to the pool kept us busy but in a relaxed sort of way.
We were still reading some history and working through Dave Ramsey’s Foundations for Middle School, as well, in the beginning of the month. The only reason we slowed down these two activities was because I got busy with my soap and cosmetics business, plus I just wanted to take it easy.
Next thing we know, it is going to be August soon. And August means we have to gear up for the new school year.