I hinted in my post about 2022 in review that we have five more years with the kids before they both go to college. Actually, it is five years with the youngest. The oldest is in ninth grade, which means we only have three more years with him at home. I am not counting the next semester.
When our oldest was eight years old, I wrote a post about having him at home for 10 more years. I re-read it recently and smiled. He is 15 now. Where have the last seven years gone?
The next three years will fly by and I will be down to only once child to homeschool. Every year seems to go by faster than the previous year. Add to the speed all the changes that come with my oldest turning 16 next year and you have a heady combination. Just one word makes me gulp: driving.
In the next few months, our son will probably get his driver’s license. In five years, both our children will be driving and be beyond age 18. Why bother with looking ahead so much?
When you homeschool, you have to plan five years ahead. At least, I have to do that for my own sanity. A map gives me the illusion that I have some kind of purpose and plan. The key is to stay flexible enough to change the plan as needed.