As children grow, so do the routines and schedules we have with them. Homeschooling looks very different for everybody, but one of the most frequent questions I hear from moms is, “What is your daily schedule like?”
We have school days Monday-Friday. We take the weekend off. I sneak in letter writing on an odd Sunday afternoon (they both have pen pals), or a home Spelling Bee or some other “school activity” which is fun for them, but I don’t tell them it’s school and I don’t record it as such.
They get a 10-minute break between subjects – they can play or practice their tae kwon do forms and moves or do something else that is physical (no computer). It’s like crop rotation. We have used the brain, now it is time to tax the body a bit.
So here it is, our daily schedule as of 2017:
8:00-8:30 Wake up, make bed, dress up, start a load of laundry if necessary
8:30-9:00 Breakfast (we listen to their orchestra pieces while eating)
9:00-9:30 Devotional (includes Bible memorization)
9:30-10:00 Language Arts
10:00-10:30 Math
10:30-11:00 Piano Practice
11:00-11:30 Violin Practice
11:30-12:00 History/Science (alternate days)
12:30-1:00 French/Romanian (alternate days)
1:00-2:00 Lunch Prep, lunch and cleanup
2:00-3:00 Quiet Time (reading or listening to Adventures in Odyssey or playing alone in own room)
3:00-6:00 Free Time (they get 30 minute of videos if they finish their work, for instance)
6:00 Supper and family time (or make-up time, if something did not get finished)
7:00 Bath and reading
8:00 Bed time
Some late afternoons or evenings we have tae kwon do practice, piano lessons, or ochestra. One morning we actually have Skype violin lessons, so all this schedule gets shifted by 90 minutes.
We do many subjects together, but language arts and math require a separation, as skill subjects. So we alternate: when one needs me for math, the other one is doing a subject where he does not require my presence, like piano practice (I can always hear what they are practicing).
If they have a review lesson in math, for instance, they do not need me. They work on their exercises and then when I check their work we discuss mistakes, if any. It is all very fluid and things can interrupt the daily routine, obviously.
Phone calls, world events, family events, a headache, a bad night’s sleep – all throw off the schedule. It is just good to know what the goal is. We always come back to the routine above. All I can say is, I love how independent they have become. They still need me in the same room with them, or within earshot, but oh how much easier it has become now that they are seven and nine.