You can easily read Atomic Habits (affiliate link) by James Clear in a week. It is only 264 pages. Besides, it is written well and presents a few simple concepts. The stories Clear uses to open each chapter and illustrate the principles keep your interest in reading.
What Clear proposes are small changes you can implement in your daily routine so that you can change your habits and results over time. Also, the goal is to have lasting results.
Writing goals down helps a lot, but you also need to write down strategies on how you will accomplish those goals. Without a strategy, the goals will stare you in the face on days you do not feel like working towards them.
The first chapter covers Fundamentals and it explains why small changes can make a big difference. The following chapters cover the four laws that govern atomic habits:
- Make it obvious
- Make it attractive
- Make it easy
- Make it satisfying
The last chapter deals with advanced tactics for those who want to dig more into the science of self-improvement.
This past week, I tried applying one of the principles to walking outside. I dislike walking in cold weather, but Clear suggests just going out to exercise for five minutes. It seems like a waste, doesn’t it?
One day, when I did not want to go outside to walk in 33F, I bundled up and walked for five minutes. The next day, I could not even conceive of not doing it again. The same happened the third day, and I walked further this time, because I wanted to. On the fourth day, I walked for 25 minutes while listening to a podcast. Atomic habits work, friends.
At his website,, you can even download the first chapter for free. From it, you will learn about the habit loop: cue, craving, reward, response.
You can also sign up for the weekly newsletter James Clear sends out, as well as download all the useful templates and forms recommended throughout the book. I like that he has a way to apply these principles to not only business, but to parenting, as well.
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