It’s finally here, the book I wrote about homeschooling second grade: 101 Tips for Second Grade Homeschooling. I dedicate it to my husband and children, without whom this book would have been published 15 months ago. Yes, I got this funny saying from The Language Nerds.
There are two formats available, paperback and Kindle. This is volume 4 in my series titled How to Homeschool. After writing books about Preschool, Kindergarten, and First Grade, I took some time to put on paper 101 ideas or tips for how to teach second grade.
The format is the same: 10 chapters with 10 ideas or tips in each, followed by chapter 11, with Tip #101. I have a son and a daughter, 28 months apart from each other. They are very different learners. They have taught me a thing or two about second grade.
Does it work?
The proof is in the pudding. To quote our umbrella school coordinator, my children’s Terra Nova 3 (a nationally standardized test) scores are “phenomenal.” In addition, they love homeschooling so much, they even want to do college at home.
I wait to write these books after I have gone through a grade with both of them. This summer, 2019, I just finished third grade with my youngest. I was behind with my book writing. Did I want to start the new school year with two monkeys on my back, i.e. the book about second grade AND the book about third grade? No, of course not.
So I shifted into a different gear this June and July and wrote both books while it was all fresh in my mind. As I wrote, I remembered many things that worked or not with my son, too. I collected our experience in these succinct books which take about two hours each to read.
To paraphrase a YouTuber, I read 300-page books about homeschooling so you don’t have to. While I homeschool, I find out if what they recommend actually works in the real world or not. Then, I share it with you in these practical books.