Writing with Ease is a writing curriculum for grades 1-4. You can use it with great flexibility. If your child is still learning how to form letters in first grade, you can start Writing with Ease in second grade.
You can get all four volumes, but even the curriculum author will tell you the fourth volume is not necessary. By the time you have gone through the first three volumes, your child will be ready for the Logic Stage. As such, you can move into Writing with Skill. I will cover Writing with Skill in a different post.
Yesterday, I reviewed Writing with Ease in a Facebook Live event. Watch the recording below.
If you have any questions about how to use this curriculum, please feel free to comment or email me. My son wrote three books after finishing up Writing with Ease. He was 11 at the time. We self-published them through Amazon and you can find them here.
My daughter loves this curriculum and has benefited greatly from it, too. She gets intrigued by the excerpts we read, all from great children’s classics. So we end up getting the books to read the entire story, from the library.
We could easily become book hoarders. Therefore, I have made it a rule to stop buying books for a while. It takes us about five minutes to get to the library in our town. Sometimes we walk to it, which makes it a fun 15-minute walk.
How to Use Writing with Ease
Each volume of Writing with Ease is divided into 36 weeks, with four days in each week. You can do one lesson a day, but you can also do two lessons a day. When the children were smaller, we skipped writing for a bit, but then we caught up easily by doing two lessons a day. Once my son was in fourth grade, he could do four lessons in one sitting – 20 minutes. We finished 36 lessons in 36 school days. Don’t you love the flexibility?
Also, this curriculum requires no preparation from you. It’s what we call “open and go.” You know exactly what to say, and it has answers to the comprehension questions. If you feel unprepared to teach writing, Writing with Ease will help you teach with confidence.
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