Teaching Tolerance – Facebook Live

Last Sunday, at 4pm EST, I talked about teaching tolerance. We have been losing friends over political issues left and right – all of us. On top of that, we have had to learn to simply not talk about politics to anybody.


Berries on a trail

The reason? Everybody tends to get upset and worked up about politics these days, unless you agree with them.

So here we are, just two days away from the most important presidential election of our lifetime – if I can take the liberty to say that. Do you think public schools teach tolerance? I doubt it.

Every time you turn around, you see an article in the press about some crazy high school principal who accepted a new crazy rule, but refused to accept an American flag T-shirt on a student. Public schools embrace liberal, left-leaning ideas all the time, while punishing conservative stances. Like, really, do you have to be a conservative to like and respect the American flag? This is the kind of times we are living in, folks.

Anyway, I will get off my soap box. I talked at length about what to do with the kids to teach them tolerance. Just because somebody disagrees with you, you do not have to get all bent out of shape. Listen. Listen. Just listen. Maybe you will learn something. They will not convince of their position, but at least you will learn why they accept the things they do. And that will help you help them understand your point of view, if they allow you to present it.

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