Summer Down Time

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When your homeschool is on summer break, you should also be on summer break. These are the dog days of summer, when you can take it easy and schedule some fun things for yourself.

Woman posing in the field

Posing just for fun

Taking Care of Mamma must be a mantra you repeat to yourself throughout the school year and especially during a break. Put your oxygen mask on first, then assist your children. It is basic training for survival. Continue reading »

Colorful Smoothies

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This post fits the category “Taking care of mama.” Sure, your children might enjoy a smoothie, too, but this is especially for you, the homeschool mom who does not have that much time for herself.

Smoothie, before

Smoothie ingredients before being blended

A smoothie can feel like an indulgence – a moment in the day when you focus on your nutritional needs: greens, fiber, dessert. People are religious about their coffee or tea rituals. I am religious about my smoothies. Continue reading »