A homeschooling blog is a homeschooling blog. Or is it? Back in 2009, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) decided it was time for bloggers to disclose if they received a freebie from a company in exchange for a review on their blog.
Since mommy bloggers could be held liable for product reviews, I decided to look into the FTC regulations on bloggers. The result is a new tab on my website, Disclosure.
Homeschooling is a journey I never thought I would embark upon. Once I gave in to God and accepted the call to homeschool my children, I felt the need for an outlet to express not just the information I accumulate as I teach my children, but also the feelings behind our day-to-day life.
It’s not about money, but, when it has to be, I need to do things according to Caesar because, after all, we ought to give the FTC what belongs unto the FTC.
So here’s my disclosure policy…
This is my blog and I write my personal opinion about different products and services inside and outside the beautiful world of homeschooling. So far, I have not been paid to provide reviews. I am open to starting such business relationships though. When I do, I will disclose it.
I have several affiliate links on this blog. If you purchase through my affiliate banners and links, I receive a small commission. Besides getting the same great product at the same great price you would get on a non-affiliate website, if you buy through my links, you also get the satisfaction of helping a homeschooling family. Thank you!