The other day I received an email from a famous homeschool blogger with a list of “summer boredom busters.” I admire that sentiment, but we are not bored yet. In fact, I think I may have run the troops a little too much this year – too much even for me. I feel the burn or the burnout and I just want to take it easy.
The kids want to take it easy. I want to take it easy. We have our three daily meals and they help with preparation and cleanup. We do a devotional. We run errands if necessary. I leave my annual checkups for this time of the year and they just tag along with their books. They work on Scratch (computer programming language from MIT) because they love it.
They read. We watch Roland Garros. I guess we call it the French Open in the United States. I grew up in Europe where we called it Roland Garros. We go to the Zoo. In about a month, we will be watching Wimbledon. I promised them “breakfast at Wimbledon” which consists of strawberries and cream.
Pretty soon the libraries around us will start their summer programs. We have three libraries within a 20-mile radius from our house and we cannot possibly attend all the events – I learned that the hard way about three summers ago when I was trying to make every workshop. Not realistic.
Besides, I promised them two weeks of nothing to do. Nothing. Not even piano or violin. We do go to the pool when the sun shines. I blog and submit my columns to the paper as usual. I clean some places I have not touched in a long time. I prepare their music for string camp – they are in two different orchestras and they got quite a bit of music which I must keep separate and listen to myself before I put it in front of them in two weeks.
Somehow the days go by fast. It sounds busy even though we don’t “do” much, but learning still happens. Children never stop learning.