Many homeschooling wars are lost because of the way we plan and execute the plan. Every homeschool mom is different. Some are more organized and others are free spirits. It works well as long as you keep at it.
For me, I need a plan. Then, I need to execute the plan. Last but not least, I need to relax when things don’t go according to plan.
Not sure what the percentage is, but suffice it to say that sometimes things do not go according to plan. People get ill: you, your students, or your co-op teachers (or your music instructors, tennis coaches etc). The weather does not cooperate. Activities get canceled. A grandparent goes to the hospital or a cousin gets married. Life happens.
Here’s what works for me: I have a beautiful pencil-and-paper planner and then I use Google Calendar. On Sunday night, I check and double check the schedule, looking at the week ahead. Every night, I tell the children what the schedule looks like for the following day. That way, we are all responsible to accomplish our tasks and to remember an occasional trip to the orthodontist or allergist or the need to purchase a birthday card for an aunt.
Every morning, I pray over the schedule and give it to God. Entrust your activities to God according to 1 Peter 5:7. This verse has been brought to my attention in a powerful way during the first week of our homeschool.
We just started Week 3. On the first week, the kids got sore throats. On the second week, I got a sore throat. One of our co-op teachers canceled class. This third week, I am still recovering from this cold and another teacher canceled her class at co-op.
This is where flexibility comes in. Loosey-goosey! Bring a book everywhere you go. For yourself, for your children. And keep going.