This is the 500th blog post on Yesterday was my three-year anniversary since starting this blog, too. A bit of math: 500 posts in three years means I have published three posts per week. In my very first post, No Dress Rehearsal, I promised two posts a week and, occasionally, more. But even I was not sure I could keep this promise.
Thank you to those who have taken the time to drop me a line in private or on the website. We bloggers love comments, so keep them coming. Thank you for reading. Even those who do not comment share with me occasionally that they read it so I know you are out there.
We are getting ready to start our fourth year homeschooling and it’s very, very exciting. My son is in third grade, my daughter in first. They both read well above their grade level, love to hang out with me, and yes, now and then they actually fight.
I am homeschooling and parenting real persons, not angels. Occasionally, they ask if they can be exempt from practicing violin (the answer is no). Almost daily, one of them refuses to move swiftly through chores. Consequences follow and lessons get learned by all involved, including moi.
It’s not a conflict-free lifestyle, but I would not trade it for anything. I am still taller than they are and cherish every moment of it, because soon and very soon, they will overtake me. It’s not hard, either. No, I am not tall. Some of my readers told me I write like a tall person and they were surprised when they met me how short I actually am. Hmmm… I write like a tall person? Interesting concept.
Here’s to the next three years and beyond. And if you have not picked up on it yet, here it is in plain view: I have transitioned to daily blogging. I did it last year in November for NaBloPoMo. It seemed super hard, but a seed was planted in my heart during that month, a seed which took about six months to sprout.
So, you know, if I keep this up, the 600th post is not far away and neither is the 700th post. But what matters is that I enjoy sharing with homeschooling parents and you all inspire me with your dedication.
Congratulations! That is definitely a milestone!
Thank you, Rhonda! I hope it encourages other bloggers to persevere.
Yay! Daily posts! I love it!
Thank you! 🙂 Looking forward to seeing you next week!