We attend a political science workshop every year, in Nashville. Well, the children do. We have to take them there the day before, as it is a four-hour drive for us from the house. The next day, they have courses from 10am-4pm, with a lunch break.
We get to sit in the back of the room and watch. They start with an icebreaker – the box game. They each get a booklet for the day. Inside the booklet there are two pages where they must ask for people to sign in the box that rings true to them. For instance, “I have seen both the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean” or “I have red hair” or “I have a twin.” This way, they get to interact with each other and ask questions.
After the icebreaker, there is a bit of singing and a devotional, plus a sword drill – our children’s favorite. As the Bible is a two-edged sword, they get to open to different passages fast. Whoever has it, stands up. They get called upon to read it out loud for everybody.
The main program
Then, they start talking about political campaigns, how a bill becomes law, public speaking, the judicial process, and different other government issues. At some point they walk to the State Capitol building and visit the different areas representing the three branches of government. They also pray for the legislators.
There are teenage staffers running the entire day, under the supervision of adult staffers. At the end of the day, the children receive certificates for their hard work that day. Our children have been there now for four and two years respectively and want to go back next year.
This event is for homeschoolers ages 8-12. Check out the TeenPact website to see when your state offers this workshop in your area.