On January 14, Homeschool Ways will give away a signed copy of the New York Times bestseller “The 12-Week Year” to one lucky email subscriber.
“The 12-Week Year” has helped me replace self-defeating new year resolutions with achievable planning solutions. The authors, Brian Moran and Michael Lennington, have taken a concept from sports, called periodization, and applied it to goals and productivity. By thinking about four “year ends” instead of one, you will get a lot more done.
Whether you need to learn how to get things done more efficiently in your home, homeschool, business or career, this book delivers. For a more in-depth review of the book, please check out my newspaper column about it. The authors also offer a free course based on the book.
- To enter the giveaway, you must be an email subscriber to Homeschool Ways.
- If you are already subscribed to our weekly email bulletin, you are automatically entered.
- If you are not subscribed, click here to be directed to a sign-up form.
- You can also sign up through the sidebar menu, under “Get your free ebook.”
- When you sign up, as a bonus, you will receive my 34-page ebook, “21 Days to Jumpstart Your Homeschool.” You’re welcome!
- Homeschool Ways sends out a weekly email bulletin with homeschooling information not available on the blog.
Godspeed in your homeschool in 2014!
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Sounds like an interesting book. 🙂
It really is.