On August 4, 2013 I pushed Publish on my first blog post here at Homeschool Ways. Ten years ago, we started homeschooling our oldest from Kindergarten on up and my sister suggested I document it all in a blog. A blogger herself, she understands the therapeutic power of writing about one’s experience. So thank you, sis, for planting that seed of an idea in my head a decade ago.
In that sense, this blog has helped me a lot. From the feedback I have received over they years, Homeschool Ways, the blog, has also helped many readers. That was the point, really. As I received help in the beginning of my homeschool career from other moms who have gone before me, I wanted to help others.
Hopefully nobody has gotten discouraged by reading about our successes. The very tool meant to encourage can become the hammer of discouragement. To that end, I have also tried to show some of our not-so-fine moments. We are not perfect. Our homeschool is not perfect. We make mistakes, but we learn from them and grow through them.
This is the place where I thank all of you who have taken the time to write a comment. Feedback helps a blogger more than you know. A big thank you to my husband, as well. He accepted the challenge of homeschooling reluctantly, but he is a believer now. My children deserve a thank you, too. They have taught me lessons of compassion and humility and many other character issues.