(This post on craft materials as homeschooling essentials contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosure here.)
Even high school students need poster board, right? And some fancy-schmancy markers? But when you homeschool elementary and preschool kids, like I do, craft materials become an essential. I would even put this before a few others I have mentioned. So last, but not least, here’s my #5 homeschooling essential: craft materials.
A simple Google search will reveal all sorts of ideas for crafts. For those of us who are craft-challenged, a curriculum like Home Art Studio will be worth every penny. Some of the projects you see here came from their DVD. I plan to do a full review on this curriculum in February.

My kids mixed red and yellow to make orange, then painted small paper plates orange. They were so proud of their creations.
Small children love crafts and they develop so many skills through cutting and pasting, threading and buttoning, matching and measuring. Crafts are the perfect activity during which they have fun and learn at the same time, without realizing they are doing so.

Crafts don’t have to be difficult: paint a whole paper orange, let it dry, draw a circle, cut it out. Also, cut out triangles and mount on blue construction paper. Add details like eyes, mouth and clouds.
Your craft cabinet should contain inexpensive items (Dollar Stores come to mind) like:
- scissors
- glue
- construction paper
- scrap paper in different colors
- card stock
- crayons
- markers
- paint (different types)
- brushes (different sizes)
- stickers
- play dough

My daughter and I made purple play dough. It’s her favorite color. Then, we cut it out with our flower shape. We rolled the stem. For the leaves, we flattened bits of play dough.
Simple household items you already have will come in handy, like:
- egg cartons (make sure they are clean)
- paper plates
- scotch tape
- a stapler
- cereal boxes
- yarn
- a hole puncher
- brown paper bags
- raffia
- manila folders
Here’s my suggestion: bite the bullet and invest in the ultimate Crayola Play Doh set. Then, the only thing you need to do is make your own play dough every six months. It’s certainly cheaper than buying it. Bonus: you appear even bigger and wiser to your children for producing play dough right in your kitchen. By the way, they will love to help you measure and knead.
Need a simple play dough recipe? Here it is:
1 cup flour
1/2 c salt
1 tablespoon cream of tartar
1 cup water
1 tablespoon oil
food coloring
Cook in saucepan over medium heat until mixture pulls away from sides of pan and becomes like play dough in consistency. Knead until cool. It will stay soft in airtight container. No need to refrigerate.
For more essentials, check out these blogs from my friends at the TOS Review Crew below:
Laura @ Day by Day in Our World
Julie @ Nurturing Learning
Lisa @ Farm Fresh Adventures
DaLynn @ For the Display of His Splendor
Lori @ At Home: where life happens
Nicole @ Journey to Excellence
Brandy @ Kingdom Academy Homeschool
Meg @ Adventures with Jude
Sarah @ Delivering Grace