Our New Daily Schedule

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As children grow, schedules change. This is our new daily schedule, revised for one child in first grade and the other in third grade, after careful deliberations with an experienced homeschooling mom and my husband.

We work simultaneously on most subjects, but in skill subjects one would have to wait a couple of minutes until I explain a new concept to the other child. Ours is a multi-level classroom – they have been around for centuries and they have worked beautifully.

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Hanging on our fridge, our new daily schedule – even I need to refer to it several times a day

8:00-8:30 Breakfast in pajamas (Romanian and/or French lesson or video)
8:30-9:00 Getting dressed, personal hygiene, making beds
9:00-9:30 Family devotions and mommy reading aloud a chapter from a book
9:30-10:15 Math
10:15-11:00 Language Arts  Continue reading »