Decluttering the house to make room for your new dual office

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Creating a successful work-from-home and learn-from-home experience depends on the space available. For many of us, home feels a little small if more people in the family are at home for school and work. During a time of social distancing, there has never been a better time for taking stock of what is in your home and making space to create a dual office that works for both work and school.

Milk and cookies

Have a cup of milk and a slice of banana bread while you read.

Homeschooled students can provide solutions, making more space and realizing what they can live without. You don’t have to become extremely minimalist in order to make a major change to your living space. Here are some ways to get started.

Make Good Use of Built-Ins and Wall Space

If your home already has built in shelves or a space under the stairs, or you add some, these additions can help you make the most of small spaces. Home remodeling is very popular this year, as you might expect, according to the Homelight Q3 Survey of Real Estate Agents.

Consider nooks in a larger kitchen, the area under the stairs, or any unusual shapes in rooms around the house as potential places for a new desk that your kid or teen could call their own.

When teens and kids need a whiteboard for working problems, make space on the walls in order to save the space and clutter that easels would otherwise need. Even small spaces work you’re willing to do a little redecorating.


Get Kids and Teens Involved

Once you’ve made use of the space you have, it’s time to see what furniture, clothing, or items that your family could stand to donate or throw away. Rather than handing down a plan from above, get teens and kids to walk through the house with you, evaluating what isn’t being used and what would be helpful to someone else. Is there an area that always gets cluttered that needs a new organization system? Let them help design it.


Consolidate Items You Cannot Donate or Throw Away

Many of us are sentimentally or practically tied to our possessions, so don’t assume you can only declutter if you are ready to get rid of the things you own. It’s possible to take advantage of storage space through, for instance, better stackable boxes that allow the entirety of a closet or nook to be filled with items. By moving items you need to keep and organizing them to take up the least possible space, you give yourself a better chance at an excellent dual office.


Let Kids and Teens Have A Say

Let your kids or teens help design the dual office. Whether your budget is for one or two new office supplies or is big enough for a new desk or chair, you can let them do some of the fun shopping after the tough choices of cleaning and organizing the house with you. As a result, you both like the dual office much more as well, and look forward to the time you spend there.

Thoughtful Thursday Week 39 – Organize

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A few weeks ago, on the bleachers next to a soccer field in Tennessee, parents were chatting about this new experience. Most of them had a child in kindergarten. Most of them were there for the very first soccer practice in the life of their kindergarten student. I felt like a veteran, as this was my third year on those bleachers.

They knew each other because their children attended this private school. They did not know me.

Thoughtful Thursday - Organize

I homeschool and bring my children to the soccer practice at this private school because the coach welcomes homeschoolers. Plus it works out with the rest of the things we do in Knoxville, one hour away from home, on a particular day of the week. My husband, as the principal of our homeschool, had asked me to look around for an opportunity for our children to be involved in a team sport. This was the perfect fit for us.

So these parents who knew each other turned toward me and asked if I had a child on the field. I told them I had two, one in second grade and the other in kindergarten. Oh, they wanted to know, “Which kindergarten class is your child in?” “We homeschool.” They were very positive in their responses. They thought homeschooling was admirable.  Continue reading »