Mom Monday Week 29 – Gratitude

Lately, I have been receiving the same message from different sources of inspiration – which makes it bold and strong in my heart, because I realize Providence really wants me to get this. Ready? Here it is: Be thankful. Feel grateful. Count blessings. The glass IS half full.

On her gracious blog, Ann Voskamp recommends that we fight feeling with feeling. That makes a lot of sense. 

As I read Attitudes of Gratitude, the same message came through. If you feel angry, think of something that makes you thankful. Like, the house did not fall on us last night. The more outrageous, the better. It might even make you smile.

When I read Mommy Pick-Me-Ups, the authors reminded me to step back and take a deep breath when things heat up between my children. That’s the moment to remember how thankful I am for having the gift of these children. They teach me patience and help me grow in my character.

Devotional for Homeschool Moms

As we started memorizing 1 Corinthians 13, my children and I talked about what true love is. How can I feel love toward somebody else if I am busy feeling self-pity?

So back to Ann Voskamp – fight feeling with feeling. Replace self-pity with gratitude for the things you do have.

If you are able to read this blog post, that means you have internet access somewhere, somehow. Just to have that – internet access – is a blessing. I know, I know, it can easily be a curse, too, but let’s stay positive and grateful, OK? 🙂

If you are able to read this, you have eyes to see – how wonderful! You are not blind.

If you are able to read this, you may have felt God’s calling to homeschool – imagine that! The Almighty had and has a job for YOU! What a privilege to work for Him!

If you are able to read this, you take time to feed your soul by fellowshipping with other homeschooling moms in the blogosphere – there is wisdom in the multitude of counselors. That says a lot about your commitment to spirituality. Congratulations for taking a moment to feed your soul.

Do you see how gratitude takes care of negative feelings?

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